Incident Reporting Policy

I. PurposeThe purpose of this Incident Reporting Policy is to ensure that all incidents, regardless of their nature, are reported promptly and managed appropriately. This policy aims to maintain the safety and well-being of our clients, staff, and volunteers, as well as to uphold the integrity and reputation of the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation.

II. ScopeThis policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and individuals associated with the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation.

III. Definitions

  • Incident: Any event that is not consistent with the routine operation of the Foundation or the routine care of a client that could lead to or results in harm, damage, or loss.
  • Reporting Person: The individual who witnesses or discovers the incident.

IV. Procedures

  1. Immediate Action: If the incident poses any immediate risk to health or safety, the reporting person must take appropriate action to secure the safety of all individuals involved.
  2. Notification: The reporting person must notify Executive Director and venue management if not on Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation operations location.
  3. Documentation: The reporting person must complete an Incident Report Form with all relevant details of the incident, including date, time, persons involved, and a description of the event.
  4. Harm: Should an employee sustain an injury they must immediately report to Concentra. Any person that is not an employee of Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation should seek immediate care at a qualified health care organization.
  5. Investigation: The Incident Officer will investigate the incident to determine its cause and to implement measures to prevent recurrence.
  6. Confidentiality: All incident reports are confidential and will be handled with discretion. Access to these reports is limited to authorized personnel only.

V. TrainingAll staff and volunteers will receive training on this Incident Reporting Policy as part of their orientation and on an annual basis thereafter.

VI. Policy ReviewThis policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation.