Hospital Program
The Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children with physical disabilities by providing essential funding to the University of New Mexico Carrie Tingley Hospital. Our mission is to ensure that every child receives the highest quality medical care and support they need to thrive regardless of their physical or cognitive challenges.

Program Objectives
Enhance Medical Facilities:
Provide financial support to upgrade and maintain state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities tailored to the unique needs of physically disabled children.
Promote Research and Innovation:
Invest in cutting-edge research and innovative medical practices to improve the quality of life and long-term outcomes for physically disabled children.
Empower Families:
Offer resources and support programs for families of physically disabled children, ensuring they can access the necessary information and assistance.
Support Specialized Care:
We are committed to funding specialized medical treatments, therapies, and rehabilitation programs that cater specifically to children with physical disabilities. This commitment is at the heart of our mission to transform lives.
Community Engagement:
Foster a supportive community by organizing events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns to promote understanding and inclusion of children with physical disabilities.
Through our funding initiatives, The Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation has made a significant impact. We have provided financial support through our fundraising efforts to purchase specialized equipment and supplies for the patients of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Over the years, CTHF has pledged and paid over $6M to assist in areas such as the construction of the Carrie Tingley Hospital inpatient unit, along with providing support to 21 specialized clinics with orthopedic surgery and occupational rehab components, the installation of a gait lab, augmentative communication devices, child life supplies for mentally appropriate distractions during sedation, building a wheelchair lab and orthopedic/prosthesis design lab to name a few. Other items that the Foundation has provided funding for, are head scanners to make helmets; specialized ultrasound machines for pediatric patients and functional electrical stimulation technology.
supported with orthopedic surgery and occupational rehab components
pledged and paid to assist in areas such as the construction of the Carrie Tingley Hospital inpatient unit